Theme: Beach

Medium: 2D - mixed media, collage, fiber, paint, ETC!

Judging Categories:

5 and under

6 - 10


15 - 100

Deadline to enter the contest: end of February

Entry Fee: $5, pay by Venmo or in-person.

Drop-off info: Drop off your artwork at FLAC any time Oak Mall is open. You can leave it in the box under the table if we are not open. Come work on it during open studio! Include these details- Name and email on the back. Artwork will be judged anonymously :)

Winners Announced: Beginning of March

Prize: Each age category will get a percentage of the total entry fees. 20% for each! (10% of total entry fees will be used to cover CC/admin fees)

Judges: Members from our community!

Art will be available for pick up at the end of March or sooner if needed. We’ll display for it as long as we can! :)

Below is some gathered internet art to get your wheels turning.

Links to all of the pages/artists in the gallery — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11